Medical Image Deep Learning

MIDeL is a website to help healthcare professionals and medical imaging scientists learn to apply deep learning methods to medical images. This website consists of a comprehensive text (think of an electronic textbook) combined with actual code examples to help you learn about Deep Learning.

We specifically focus on the MONAI framework, as it provides many nice functions that work well with medical images. This means that you will need to use Python and the PyTorch framework. If that sounds intimidating don't worry – the first few chapters provide background on programming, as well as the math and medical image fundamentals that some of you may lack. If you know this already great – feel free to skip forward to the chapters where you encounter material that you are not familiar with...
Comprehensive Text

MIDeL provides a comprehensive text covering everything from medical image properties, math for DL, but focuses intensely on Deep Learning for medical imaging.

Working Code Examples

For each chapter in the text, there is a corresponding IPython/Jupyter Notebook code base, which can be downloaded from GitHub, and executed on a public website like Colab or your own server.